Viral News, Pictures,Info

Fundamental shake-up in cost of college is president’s ‘personal mission’!/PAniskoff44/status/369896948175626240 Even the president of the United States, who just celebrated his 52nd birthday, only managed to pay off his student loan debt less than a decade ago. Whether all those courses on constitutional law were worth it is unclear, but the burden of college tuition is important enough for President Obama to break his […]


MSNBC clutches pearls, calls reporter’s POTUS Interruptus racist!/JaredHalpern/status/213716746224414720 As Twitchy reported earlier, The Daily Caller’s Neil Munro interrupted President Obama’s remarks in the Rose Garden. It’s being called “heckling,” but was it really? Some might say it was a reporter, you know, doing his job. Neil Munro’s statements indicate that as well. Munro told other reporters after Obama's statement, "I'm asking questions. […]


Bam! Conservatives bust Gov. Christie for rewriting history on Sandy relief!/jdonels/status/329273416425275394 Earlier this year, Chris Christie tore into congressional Republicans for scrapping a pork-laden Hurricane Sandy relief bill. Now, it’s like déja vu all over again. The New Jersey governor is back to his old routine, blaming the House GOP for making life difficult for Sandy survivors: Every day we waited for Congress to approve […]


Family Research Council shooter sentenced to 25 years in prison!/deepereyes/status/380815519571406848 In February, Floyd Lee Corkins, 29, pleaded guilty to shooting and wounding a security guard at the Family Research Center’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. Early reports that Corkins was carrying a bag full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches turned out to be true; he told an FBI agent that he wanted to “kill as many as possible” […]