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Sports vs. Porn

12 responses to “Sports vs. Porn”

  1. JakeBasil says:

    This. So hard this.

  2. Konoton says:

    It’s freaky how accurate this is for me.

  3. JesusWalkedOnWaterToDrownInWine says:

    Brace yourselves, the porn puns are coming!

  4. deliion says:

    Greenstreet hooligans!

  5. FriendlyGrandma69 says:

    We like to mute porn and make someone narrate it… Am I alone on that?….

  6. WhatIfAllTheAirWasCats says:

    I just tell people about porn I’ve seen.

  7. AlphaNate says:

    This meme was obviously made by a woman

  8. JulieTheCatGaffney says:

    ˙ø¬¥ ß˙ˆ† ˆ ∆¨ß† ¬´å®˜´∂ çøø¬ åßß ß˙ˆ†! ∑øø† ∑øø†!

  9. thefish96 says:

    I’m pretty sure there is a woman sitting at that table too.

  10. EasterGunny says:

    Because they are trying to hide their boners.

  11. Myceliated says:

    Movie sucks. Love the west ham song and club though. but fuck this movie

  12. IgnatiusJReilly2601 says:

    There are many different codes of football around the world. Calling one of them football only creates confusion. It’s soccer. Get over it.