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‘Yesterday’s mashed potatoes’: Drudge dings GOP old guard, praises new guard!/DRUDGE/status/309504378325311489


While “yesterday’s mashed potatoes” like John McCain and Lindsey Graham were busy letting President Obama pick up the tab for a dinnertime schmooze-fest, Rand Paul captured the nation’s attention with an epic 13-hour filibuster against John Brennan’s nomination as CIA director.

Stale old guard: You’ve been replaced. And we’re OK with that.

So, I’ll take the filibustering Senate GOP new guard over the Obama-genuflecting Senate GOP old guard any day==>…

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 6, 2013


Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Matt Drudge #StandWithRand; Code Pink gets crafty

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